30 Day Spring Cleaning Challenge Day 6!

Spring Cleaning Day 6!  To see each day go to:  https://www.facebook.com/groups/299958837199394/
Help Woven Help You!
We are collecting clothes, shoes, and household items from April 2nd to May 1st. Message for dropoff or pickup info.

Counter decluttering tips:
1. If you started with cabinets early in the week you should have more space. Put things away - 😁
2. Have a basket or tray to hold incoming mail, school papers, etc. that tend to collect.
3. Ask family members to put things away
4. Make space IN cabinets for appliances like toasters, mixers, blenders. You might use it for 5 minutes, but then it just sits. 
5. How about a basket for collecting junk that sits on the counter? You should really throw "junk" away, but if it has use and you are keeping it, put it in the basket to keep the counters clean!
6. Take 5 minutes in the morning and 5 minutes at night to put stuff away. This really helps!

Spring Cleaning Fundraiser!

30 Days of Spring Cleaning Fundraiser

Help Woven (www.wovencity.org) while we help you!

We will post cleaning tips on Social Media every day for 30 days starting April 2nd

We are hoping to collect 600 bags of clothes and shoes! 
We are also planning a May Yardsale for other household goods (no appliances/TVs)!
Please share with friends, family, and co-workers.

As you declutter, we are happy to pick up donated items! 
Just message on social media or email leah@churchofthecommons.org for a drop off location or to have items picked up!

This week's cleaning tips (some areas take more time):
1.Kitchen (Keep items in good condition for our yardsale)
Junk drawer
Upper cabinets
Lower Cabinets
Top of the Refrigerator

2. Bedrooms (spring is here!)
Clothes Closets

Please place clothes and shoes in trash bags. 
Please place household goods in a box, wrapping any fragile items.
Remember to contact us for a drop off location or pick up!

Help us collect 600 Bags of clothes and shoes!

Love, With Mud On Its Boots

Note from Pastor Chris Bannon of The Commons Church:

Hello Friends,

What is love? And moreover, what does it mean to love a PLACE?  A PEOPLE?  A  CITY?

Love is more than sentiment. It is more than warm feelings; more than the sweetness of nostalgia or affection. While these feeling and experiences matter - it most certainly does matter to my wife how I FEEL about her - the substance of love is not found in the FEELING, but in the LIVING. It is found, in fact, in the day-to-day tangible acts of surrender and self-giving for the sake of the other. 

My personally held, warm feelings are nice. But sometimes, rolling up my sleeves and digging into a sink full of dirty dishes counts for a whole lot more.

If just genuinely loving another individual is a complex and costly calling, how are we to wrap our heads and hearts around what it means to love a CITY? In all its potential and brokenness, beauty and ugliness, celebration and frustration: when we say that as a church we are called in Christ to LOVE Rochester, NH ( or wherever else we find ourselves made neighbor ), beyond merely fostering warm feelings for this place ( which, some days can be challenge enough! ) how do we imagine that we might even BEGIN to make such a calling, such a love, effectively and experientially REAL?

On Wednesday at our annual "Horizons" Vision & Partnership gathering, as a body we *officially* voted to lay the groundwork for the brand new WOVEN COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION as a non-profit subsidiary to The Commons. What WOVEN is, what it will mature into and become, is a multi-faceted thing: an organizational home for a number of different "big picture" initiatives, dreams and partnerships that the Lord has laid upon our heart. But at its simplest, WOVEN is the beginning of our best attempt to answer this question: What does it mean, and what sort of TOOLS and resources will it take, for the church of Jesus Christ here in Rochester to truly LOVE our city well?

The beginnings will be small. And, there will be a whole lot of learning, experimentation and stumbling along the way. But in this choosing, committing to begin, we have declared our conviction that the love of Jesus for his people - for his WORLD - and for this our city, is not a flimsy, hypothetical or sentimental manner of thing. We declare our conviction that, in Jesus, we come to know and embody the Love of God in all its earthy, gritty, tangible and immanent REAL-ness. This is Love, up to its elbows in a sinkful of dirty dishes. This is Love, with mud on its boots. I, for one, am eager to see the ways this Love will lead and shape, bless and challenge us in the days ahead!

In Christ, with You,
Pastor Chris

MEETUP - February 27th 6 PM to 8 PM

Join us at Magrilla’s on Hanson St. and let's dream big!  There will be an informal Meetup to talk about creativity, making, and what we can do to bring about a community Makerspace for Rochester.

Are you an artisan, craftsperson, entrepreneur, or basic hacker?  We want your voice! The Woven Makerspace will be a community toolbox where anyone can design, build, repair, or create just about anything!  We want to release the creativity, and entrepreneurial spirit of Rochester to collaborate, learn, and help each other make cool things!

Some possibilities for this Makerspace are a Wood Shop, Metal Shop, Welding, Jewelry Making, 3D Printing, Laser Cutting, or Fiber Arts.  The possibilities are endless!  

The Woven Makerspace will also be a venue for job training for trades-based skills.  We are seeking skilled tradespeople to train in carpentry, metal smithing, welding, electrical, fiber arts and more.

Makerspace Proposal


Woven Community Development Association is proposing to create a Maker Space for the residents of Rochester and surrounding communities. The definition of a maker space while not easily defined is essentially Do-It-Yourself spaces where people can gather to create, invent, and learn. We want to created a community-operated workspace for people with common interests; a space where tools can be shared, space is available to create, and the artist and innovator has the potential to create a business.


Our mission is to support and promote the teaching, learning and practice of fabrication. We will accomplish this by creating a public space that enables anyone and everyone to participate in the “Maker Movement” a revolution bringing fine motor skills and creative, critical thinking back to our communities. By providing the tools and open space to share with the community of makers in the City of Rochester the Woven Makers Space can be used for learning new tools and programs, provide tooling for an individual’s project that cannot be done at home, provide a
place for people who share the same passion to meet and work on community projects, and even where schools and teams can meet to practice and learn technology.


• Shared fabrication tools and equipment such as those in electronics,, woodworking, jewelry and metalsmithing, welding, precision machining, fiber arts, screen printing and more.

• A range of affordable, publicly-accessible classes offered by local artisans and craftsmen focusing on either creating a final product the student can take home after the class or general training for specific tools.

• Affordable monthly memberships that include access to our facility.

• Space and equipment rentals to monthly members interested in having access to equipment without having to invest in capital equipment and long-term space leases.

• On-site material and project storage allowing members to create and store projects without the hassle of handling material and storage logistics.

• Host and promote related events with the goal of encouraging maker communities, shared spaces & culture.

Project Outline:

We are asking the City of Rochester to lease the former Robbins Auto Parts Building on Hanson St to the Woven Community Development Association as an incubator space for craftspeople and artisans in our community or use as a Maker Space.

Phase 1 - start will a handful of craftspeople and artisans who are interest in a shared space and are willing to teach the use of their tools and share their expertise.

Phase 2 - provide space for businesses to rent cubicle space and conference room space - a business hub for local professionals. In phase two we hope to add to the skillset and tool sets to have more options available to the community

Phase 3 - create a kid’s maker space with access to arts and crafts material, recycled materials, and tools needed to allow for creativity or project based learning.